Thursday, April 16, 2015


More Random photos for your viewing pleasure.
Many of these I took with permission off the USAP shared drive.  People have incredible cameras and I am taking advantage of the photography skills.

This is the view from the back of my dorm.   That's hut point and the mountains behind are the Royal Society Range.  You can walk out to that point in about 20 minutes from town and get a great view. 
My co-worker Travis and I run a bootcamp class twice a week.  This is our warm-up. This is one of the many opportunities people have for exercise here.  Yoga three times a week, spin class twice a week, pilates twice a week, bootcamp twice a week, volleyball, soccer and basketball each once a week. 

These are the penguins that wandered into our bay.  I posted a picture of them last week, but this is a much better one. 
I took a trip out to visit the pegasus crash site.  It was 6:30pm and getting darker.  It was quite dark before we left so the good photographers got some excellent photos.  This one is looking back toward town and the mountain in the background is Mt Erebus. 

These are my co-workers in our oh-so-cozy break room. 

These next sequence of photos are from the McMurdo Luxury Homes tour. People all opened up their rooms and we toured them.  There are some incredibly creative room set ups and I thought you might like to see them.
Kira and Brad in there exquisitely decorated and matching room. 
Yes, that is a climbing wall. 
The zen masters living room. 
Excellent wall hanging giving the illusion of two rooms when there is, indeed, only one. 
Paige and John in their cozy living room. 
Need a tapestry?
Eric in The Parrot Lounge.  He inherited this room from two summer people who did a lot of after-market additions.  They also left a lot of booze and Eric opens up the bar once a week for anyone to visit. What a great guy!  
I just loved the lanterns.

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