Friday, November 2, 2012

AT Day 176 Roaring Brook Shelter to Standing Bear Hostel

November 2
Miles ~15

Gosh, it was so hard to get going this morning.   I've never hated hiking so much as I did for the first hour before my toes warmed up.   Ugh.  Wet socks in wet shoes at 48 degrees after a sleepless night in a cold shelter.   It was a rough morning. 
Thankfully, we got about 5 miles today below snow line so we had some easy walking but  I've (shannon) decided that I hate walking in the snow.  Especially as that snow turns to slush and we don't have great snow gear. 
SO, we've decide to skip the smokies which are 2000 feet higher than what we've already climbed and where we know there's lots of snow.  In fact some hiker friends of ours got stuck there during the storm and rangers had to go up and help them out. Right.  We know that the storm is over and that it's going to be 70 tomorrow.  We know snow melts.  But 3 feet of snow doesn't melt that fast and 5000 feet up in the air tends to be cold.   Also, when snow melts it turns into slush.   Which is wet.  ANYWAY.  We're skipping the smokies for now.  It will make us both a whole lot happier.  We'll come back when the weather is better. 

Top of Max Patch 
Snow walking. 
We got to this road and were all deciding if we wanted to hitch from here or  walk the last 10 miles.  We opted to walk. 
View from Max Patch! 
Relaxing with cats, pretzels, and beers and Standing Bear Hostel 

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